My wife and I have been addicted to Mad Men and watched the whole third season over the Thanksgiving Weekend. The show inspired me to create this illustration. I wish I could work for Sterling Cooper!!!!! Don't you?
Here is another character design. The project was called Space Dogs, it was an outer space battle between cats and dogs that mirrored the battle of the sexes. Trust me, it was funny.
Anyway, I was commisioned to create some characters. This is the leader of the dogs, Capt. Rex.
His design was influenced by Rin Tin Tin and William Shatner.
The great thing about freelancing is you get to work on a variety of projects. Here, the client is Scooter Store and the assignment is to make the lady using the chair appear to be full of life...a cute lady in her golden years...but not Mrs Claus. It was pretty challenging.She also needed a little dog....but nothing too precious.